Title: Theatre Design/ Scenography (1st year)
Description: Theatre and Costume Design
The Course has been going on successfully through the last 18 years; giving a substantial approach to the study of Theatre and Costume Design.
Title: Laboratory of Scenography- Laboratory of Art(2d year)
Description: A Laboratory of Scenography and Visual Arts
The Laboratory of Scenography- a Laboratory of Art has been going on successfully through the last 18 years; give a substantial approach to the study of Visual Arts and Performance space. Scenography make to the experience of performance and its capacity as an autonomous form
Field: Scenogaphy, Visual Arts, Performance space
blog: http://maria-chaniotaki.tumblr.com/teaching,
PragueQuadrennial(PQ) http://www.pq.cz/en/scenography-education,
social media FB: https://www.facebook.com/scenography/
24-26 Semelis str, 11528 Athens Greece
contact: 00302106728936
email: contact@mariachaniotaki.gr |